Thursday, February 3, 2011



The music program at Zara's school is run through donations. They have a fabulous music teacher that works very hard to put on two performances during the school year. The royal court donates their time to help sell 50/50 ticket and flowers to help raise money to keep the program running. This is one of their formal events so they all look gorgeous! Zara loves donating her time to the community..really its not just me saying it.. She has grown so much through this experience not only in height but in personality, and confidence. She is an amazing little girl that has so much to offer. I am truely blessed with her. even on the days she makes me crazy... she is my everything!
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just a little tappin


Zara is taking tap this year, with Miss Heather. She never lets me to watch because according to her I make her nervous. Today was watch day and she let me in.... camera and all.. She is a FABULOUS TAPPER !! I was so impressed.. all attitudy and everything.. so very cute, i can't wait for recital !!!
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