Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Well I guess her love for the country comes out in everything. I think she lived in the south during her past life. She begged to wear this dress. It has been freezing so she could not wear the dress until it warmed up. She was home sick with ear infection and pink eye this day. Realizing she could not leave the house anyway, she came to me with a pretty pathetic face asking to wear the dress in the house. I gave in and she came out of her room with the dress and the red boots. Pretty darn cute I think.
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We (Zara and I) spent many hours getting ready for Valentine's Day. She wrote hre name on all of the cards ad then we made teddy bear book marks. I made all the pink ones and she made all the red ones. Who would have thought it would take ALLLLLLLL Day. It was worth it though. She took them to school and passed everything out and had a fabulous day. Thanks to Auntie Wendy who made sure she got to and from school.
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Monday, February 18, 2008

Nana's Present

Mom had a friend that was getting rid of some of her daughters stuff. Zara now has a washer and dryer with an ironing board, a complete kitchen, several babies, lots of food and dishes at Nana's house. She can't wait for Tuesdays so she can go to Nana's. While we are there she plays and plays. She makes us sticky soup and candy and juice. She doctors up her babies. She makes hamburgers and pancakes. It is so much fun to watch her use her imagination and of course talk to herself. I don't know who enjoys the stuff more Zara or mom. Thanks Nana for the hours of fun.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Now that the weather has become so nice I would love to take the kids to the park or even for a nice hike,however, neither of those will be possible for a little while due to the fact that we now have two huge mountain lions roaming our neighborhood. Most of our mountains were burned in the last fire as we all know. Mountain lions have a 25 mile radius, my neighborhood is now mile 1. The lions have found goats, dogs and small horses to keep their bellies full. The kids are not even allowed to walk down to the shop without supervision. Do you know how hard it is to keep them in the house. How many games can we play? Hopefully the lions will move on soon.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Our friends Damon and Amanda have two little boys Mathew and Robbie. Mathew just love Zara but he calls her "The Girl", so we call Mathew "the boy" Now he is starting to call her by her name but it is "ara". The two of them had the best time a couple of weekends ago. They played games, painted a bird feeder and just ran about the house.


Zara was home sick today so I had to become her playmate. She decided she needed to paint my toe nails, but I think more of the painted ended up on my actual toes. All well it entertained my pale faced little girl for a little while.