Monday, March 31, 2008






We went to see the baby the other day and Zach went in to play. The baby has gotten so strong since the last time and funny. He is running around and kicking up his feet. He has a great personality. Zach went in and the baby nibbled every part of his clothes. Jessie is the girl in the pictures she is going to buy the baby, her parents also own the father. She took Zara in so she could pet the baby. He still doesn't have a name, but if Jessie buys him she is going to call him Jesus.
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The other day I took Zara to the Dr. for her kindergarten physical. I also had some concern about the stomach pains she gets and the fevering that just comes for no reason. The dr. ordered a full blood panel and of couse the usual shot series required for school. I have to say that Zara is a trooper. She did not cry once, and watched every shot be given. Then it was off to give blood. I wasn't so sure about this area, she doesn't have the best of veins. Everybody prepared by holding her arm still and asking if she wanted to look away they must have asked 5 times and then just put the needle in. She once again watched the entire process without moving a muscle. Not even when her vein collapsed and they pulled the needle out and then wiggled it around to get another one, they had to fill 4 big tubes. Not one tear, not one wiggle !!! YOU GO GIRL!!! Everybody was so impressed with her she left with 14 stickers. She ran out of places to put them. We celebrated by having lunch at the park. Our next big step toward school is kindergarten round up next month.I almost forgot the dr. called and every thing came back fine. So I gues we will just watch her and track the stomach pains and fevers.
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Sunday, March 23, 2008





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It was a busy day starting with the Easter bunny delivery. Zara was up and down the hall and back again to inform everybody that the bunny had been here. Baskets were opened and then the hunt was on. We were then off to Hema's where we had breakfast and another hunt. And then we went to nana's where we had dinner and another hunt. Zara was so tired she was aking to go home. It was a fun filled day that exhausted the kids and created many more pictures for me to crop. Hope you all had a great day too.

Saturday, March 22, 2008






These are just some of the fun pictures I took while we were at the ranch. Zara love this donkey and spend most of her time with him. She is so comfortable with the horses big and small and has told me that she will be a vet when she gets big. I better start saving now.
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Yesterday at about 6 in the morning we got a new addition to the family. Isis gave birth to this beautiful baby boy. Zara could get dress fast enough to go see him in the morning, Zach and I went in the afternoon. He doesn't have a name yet but since he was born on Good Friday a few of use feel that Jesus (pronounced in Spanish) would be good. The baby belongs to Reyes the trainer but we get to have some say. In June we will have more baby pictures when Flamanco has her baby. So stay tuned.
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Zara and Megan play tea party all the time. This day they were using Zara's glass tea set mom got her for Christmas. They were so cute I couldn't resist the camera.
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A couple of Saturdays ago. We woke up to a beautiful blue sky. By the time Zara's dance class ended the sky was grey and the air was cold. As the day went on it colder and colder, everybody was huddled inside. I glanced out the side window and to my and everybody else suprise huge snow flakes were falling. We all ran out sid and to watch and take picutes. Of course none of it stuck at the house but the mountians tops were covered once again. Thanks to all the rain and snow that we have gotten this yearn the mountains are covered in orange, yellow and purple wild flowere. It really is pretty.
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Friday, March 14, 2008


Well I was tagged a little bit ago and yes I am just getting around to completing it.

1. I really don't like to fold the laundry, especially the socks.

2. I love to sit in Zara's very girly room after I have cleaned it. It is the only room in the house that is 100% completed. And 110% girl.

3. I have to check my emails and blogs everyday. It makes me crazy to have a million unread messages.

4. I have been with my Jeffrey for longer than most people stay married. This year we have been together 17 years, and married 11.

5. I know all kinds of fun facts, at least that is what I call them. For example a bat will always turn left when exiting the cave. Also, there are approximatly 400 '0' in one cup of cherrios.

6. I am in love with the relationship I have with my children. Zach and I have had some very interesting conversations lately. I now know more about him then I think I want to, but I am so happy that he will come to me to talk and work things through. Zara just is Zara and I am sure her time will come.

7. I am thinking about going back to school to get my masters.

Directions for being tagged:
1. write 7 facts about yourself some weird some random
2 Tagg 7 other people.


Well I have begun the count down till the end of the school year. There are only 10 weeks left. I can't believe how fast it has gone. In just a few short months Zach will be in high school and Zara will be in kindergarten. I will be attending the parents meeting for Zach on the 26th of this month and Zara and I go to kindergarten round up next month. She gets her official and horrible kindergarten shots on the 26th of this month. I am sure I will have pictures to post, so check back around that time. I pray that Zach is all caught up, he HATES shots. They are both doing exceptional in school, it is amazing how much information the brain will hold. Of course we have the normal yes Zach you have to do your homework and turn it in. I think this is a constant battle every parent goes through, at least that is what they keep telling me. I just keep telling me only 4 more years. I know that some day I will hate my count down because it will come to an end and my Mischief will be all grown up and on his way. But I do have the fall back that Zara will only be in 3rd grade and the battle will be just beginning with her.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


This year in school Zara has been learning her sight words. Every week she gets a book to read with a new sight word in it. Once she has mastered reading the book at home she takes it to school and reads to one of her teachers, then she gets a sticker. The books also focus on the letter of the week. Last week she got her 'R' book. She has also been working on mastering the sounds of each letter and where they are in a word. Because of these great skills she is practicing at school she is beginning to spell words, by sounding them out. She can now spell, mom, dad, and cat. Those are the ones we have worked on so far. She is also reading books outside of school that focus on simple word families. Just thought I would let you know a little of what she is learning at school.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


It is amazing what a year well not even only eight months can do for a growing boy. This is Zach's new look. We went a couple of weeks ago for hair cuts and he decided that he was cutting it all off. Amazing to me how much it made him mature. I have been watching him change on a weekly rate. He has gotten so tall and his body has matured, he is not longer that skinny long child anymore. He actually has muscle tone. Thank goodness, he was so little next to all the other boys, I was getting worried.
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