Saturday, February 27, 2010

some of the promised pictures

Zara has finally learned how to ride her bike without training wheels and with pedals. She still is not to sure about going fast, but at least now it wont take us forever to go around the block.
Her tooth that was loose forever finally came out on Valentine's Day. Well actually we had to pull it out because it was so far forward she couldn't close her mouth without it poking through her lip.
Pageant Tea was a lot of fun for her and all of her friends. I think this will be the largest pageant that Acton has had for a while. It should be fun for both Zara and I, her friends have the best moms.

sorry no pictures of Zach in the pool yet. It has been to dark at practice lately. It is beginning to stay light longer so I will do my best. I have to say the new kids to the team have improved so much in the last two weeks. The pool as become more quiet as they swim.
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

i know I know...

I am a lot behind... I know.. so much has happened in these two months.. Zara finally learned to ride her bike...she lost another tooth and I am sure you all know she will be running for little miss acton... on top of dance and daisies.. I don't know how she fits it all in.

Zach as made the swim team his first meet is March 11.. cross our fingers. I have been freezing my butt of at the park while he swims for 2 hours 3 times a week. He will be taking a little break from karate becuse it just doesn't fit in, but when he goes back he will be taking the regular Tang soo do and Kav Magra. He really liked that class and I finally found something that makes him tired.. Amazing.
Pictures of everything to follow.. well someday... maybe this weekend.