Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to work

So I go back to work on Thursday. I can't believe that it has already been 8 weeks. I didn't even leave Acton but twice I think. I haven't even been able to post pictures of the kids, my computer is still down and I am using everybody elses. So here is a pictureless update.
I go back on thursday as you already know. Zach has been offically registered for high school and attends freshman orientation tomorrow. His first day back to school is on Monday. I can't believe it, only 4 years left and he will be all grown up. I think he is a little nervous but it will be good. We are going to pick up his friend Jose in the morning so I will take a picture and post as soon as i can.
Zara is still off for another month, but is really excited to be going to school. She has been spending as many Wed. as she can with her friend Ryann. They are so cute together. They make me wonder what exactly do five year olds talk about with such serious faces. She is getting ready for this years dance recital. The biggest news of all she can fully swim now UNDER WATER!!!! She just stared on Saturday I think but it has boosted her confidence so much and she is now all over the pool. Again there is a picture to come someday soon I hope.
I think that is all for this update. Keeping checking back and hopefully soon there will be some pictures.

Friday, August 1, 2008


On Tuesday, mom, lois and the kids and I went to Santa Ana to the Bowers Museum to see the Terra Cotta Soliders from China. We were in the museum for about 40 minutes when all of a sudden the ground jolted up. Mom and I looked at each other and said earthquake when all of a sudden another shake happened. When we met up with lois and the kids Zara's eyes were huge. She didn't understand earthquake, so I remembered she had been watching Land before time, so I explained it as an earthshake. The museum was then closed down for inspection. We left and found a fabulous place to eat dinner and looked at the cutest old town. After lunch we went back to the museum and went through the exhibit. It was outstanding. I would reccommend anybody that lives here to see and all the others to watch to see if it comes to you. It is only here until Oct. 12