Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Zara's dance recital is on October 11. I am not sure of the time yet. but mark the calendar!!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today was Zara's day to visit the school she will be attending next year. She got to ride the big school bus, go to the kindergarten classroom and play on the playground. She wasn't to sure about riding the bus without me, but she got on with her friend Ryanne and they were off. She loved it. Once they got back to school they lined up and were taken to the classroom and the parents were off to learn how to fill out all the needed forms. She had a great time! Sorry no pictures I forgot my camera. But you can be sure there will be pictures of her first day!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Zara went to bed last night so excited for her birthday she could hardly stand it. She was up at 5:00 this morning and on the go. These pictures show how she started the day and how she ended the day. She wore her crown and birthday shirt all through school and then to dinner for sushi. Tomorrow I will post more pictures for the days events, or at least get them to kodak and sent out.
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Monday, April 21, 2008

Zara's Birthday!!

Tomorrow is Zara's birthday. She was a little unhappy because she was not having a party this year, so I told her she could wear a shirt that said it was her birthday and her happy birthday crown to school, and we would make cup cakes. Well she did not forget and today I had to go and find the shirt. Of couse it doesn't exist, so Zach picked out some iron on stuff and I am going to attempt to make her a shirt. So check back tomorrow for the picture. Wish me luck!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


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Here are some pictures of Zara in class today. She is doing very well. Next season she will be able to move up to the bigger classes.


So the dog house has finally made it up to the house. It took the car trailer, the forklift,and three guys to get it onto the patio. The dogs loved it and so did Zara.
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