Wednesday, August 4, 2010


For as long as I can remember Zach has called Niko his brother cousin.. they truly have grown up as brothers. They fight, they laugh, they cry, they talk about girls and god knows what else.. They may be cousins, but in their hearts they are brothers. I love this collage of the two of them.
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we went to the beach with Terry and the kids on Tuesday before I went back to work. We had the best time just relaxing and watching the kids. It turned out to be a day to explain the circle of life. We experienced a dolphin beach itself and then die and then a seal. It was a little sad, but part of nature at the same time.
Zara had fun with Katie and Stephanie and finally let Niko take her into the water.. he has been trying all summer to get her there.
Niko spent the day playing and sleeping..oh and wearing his ever so cool shades
Zach did his think all day.. skim boarding, catching sand crabs, calling 911 to tell them the dolphin died, getting Stephanie into the water the only way a boy knows how.. by wrestling her there... it was another perfect day at the back to work.. until the next vacation!
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