Tuesday, July 27, 2010

almost time

well its been a peaceful summer.. haven't done much but relaxed. It's all coming to an end within the next two weeks. Zara is going to VBS with her friends and Zach is running everyday, getting ready for the big run the first week of school. As for me I am heading back to work.. no more sleeping in till 7.. The summer is over for me, but a new year is starting. I am exciting to meet my incoming students and see how much my 8th graders have matured, lets all cross our fingers that they have matured tremendously). I can't believe that Zach is going to be a junior and Zara second grader, they are getting so big. Its a new beginning coming upon us.... lets all focus on the positive and make every moment of everyday be filled with a happy memory....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th july continued

zara and the girls at the community center..
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4th of JUly !!!

Our weekend began on Friday when the entire court came to the house to decorate the float.It was a busy night but it came out really cute. Thanks to Jorge and Lisa who let us borrow their truck. The next morning we were up at the crack of dawn to prepare for the Royal Breakfast in the front yard. This is were all the visiting royalty comes to have breakfast, get presents and hang out with the girls. I think we had at least 100 girls in the yards. soon it was time to load up on the floats. Zach went to find the McConnels and Acton Karate float and Zara elbowed her way to the correct side of her float. I missed the entire parade, but saw what matter the most. Everybody looked perfect. After the parade it was home to change Zara and down to the community center for face painting and selling otter pops. Community service hours for Zara. Once everything was completed it was time to pass out. We were all exhausted.
Zara and the court on the parade route
Zach and the Acton Karate Crew
Daniel the official royal security guard... he takes his job very serious
Zara and the girls working or playing at the community center
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