Saturday, September 27, 2008


zara decided to wash her own hair, of course she used too much shampoo and was able to soap up really good. She had her hair standing in a mohawk. When all of a sudden I heard a blood curdling scream that scared the crap out of me. Her hair had fallen and soap had flung into her eye. I am surprised you all didn't hear it at your houses. After about 20 minutes of crying she finally settled down and fell asleep. A little pain, a lot of laughter and a cute picture.
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Fun in the yard

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These pictures are just of the kids having fun in the yard. Zara and Evan are paracticing Pasee's, I really don't know who to spell that, and arobesques, let's just say Ballet moves. Zara doing the infamaous JJ dance, Dillion, Zach and Pixie all in the Taj Ma Dog, and yes swinging on the swingset. I guess you never get to old to swing. thank goodness for edit. I forgot Evan relaxing with his mohawk. It is kind of cute on him.


I took this at Zach's last meet. When I uploaded it I couldn't believe how green Zara's eyes have gotten. I liked them blue but I really like them this color green. I also really like this picture, love when I do good
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the last race

this race was on a tough course off the 14 freeway. I am so impressed with is determination to keep going
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Zach and his friend went to get his bike, came in and quietly got Zara and she soon ran back in screaming "mama we found it, a baby rabbit, can we keep it!" I think it was all in one breath. So down to Jeff we went to get something to put it in and he too melted, she is so cute. So now we have 3 dogs, 1 fish, and a rabbit. Something about living in the country.
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Last night we went to the Stapeles Center to see this show about dinosaurs. It was absolutly incredibe!!! It told the story of the dinosaurs from Pangea to the comet. Every school should take the kids talk about making science interresting. Zach loved it, Zara was so intriguied. I reccomend that if the show comes your way you should see it. At times you forget that they are mechancial. My pictures don't do it justice, they were incredible
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Friday, September 19, 2008


Sunday we were up bright and early and off the the gymkhana to watch Nahndi in her first horse show. Zara had a lot of fun there and got to lead sweetpea around. We watched the timed poles, sometihng like barrel racing, Zara is now more excited to start. This was the end to my busy weekend, thank goodness.
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On Saturday we went to the Agua Dulce Fair and Parade. Zara had so much fun at the parade gathering candy. She won 3 gold fish at the fair and looked fantastic when she performed. Here she is in her costume, with her dance teacher Miss. Lindsey,during her perfromance, and at the parade. She had so much fun that day.
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Zach's first race was in Ventura. He was pretty nervous and kept calling us to see when we were going to be there, which then made us very nervous, because it felt like it took forever. We finally arrived with just enough time to see him take off. Here are some pictures to document the race. He looks srong as he starts and then toward the end still doing ok but moving slower and then the last leg a little faster and a terrific sprint to the finish line. After two weeks of running he finished with 29:09. Zach ended up being the only freshman from his school running,but his entire team was on the start to cheer him on. Not bad for a beginner.
I have to say that this is one of the nicest sports all the teams cheer for each other to keep them moving.
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Thursday, September 11, 2008


Tomorrow is Zach's first X-Country meet. It is in Venture along the beach. I don't think it gets any better than that. He has been running 4- 5 miles a day now! So hopefully I will have some pictures to share. I'm not quite sure how we get to see him while he is running. So check back.

Zara will be performing her dance for this years recital at the Agua Dulce Fair on Saturday. I will definitely have pictures of that! I am hoping to have a video too. I just have to get a lesson on how to use U-tube.

Check back to see how they did

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Another Pefromance

Zara will be performing at the Agua Dulce Fair again this year. The performances will begin at 11:00, and she will be the third performance. They are going to look so cute!! Also, if you want to see her perform in the actual recital it will take place on Oct. 11 at 1:00. Ticket go on sell on September 11 at the LPAC. I am not sure of the price but I don't think it is more than $20.


So Nic has a look a like twin in Acton. We saw him in the Acton 4th of July parade. I couldn't post it earlier because my computer was down. Be here he is playing the bagpipes. Niko ran down the road to take his picture so we could post it for Nic and Sophia to see. They say we all have a twin somewhere. Nic's just happens to be her in Acton, WEARING A SKIRT!!!!!
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Friday, September 5, 2008



So we made it through the first week of school!! Hurray for the entire family. First let me say that everybody made it to school on time, before the bell rang. The mornings have been going smoothly and even homework. Homework is an interesting time however, I have to jump from one level to the next. From how to make a correct lower case 'a' to critical thinking question of how societies view of childhood obesity is affecting the video gaming companies, and how they are compensating for societies view. By the time we get done my Brain is tired. That's not even mentioning the day I had at work with my students. It was a long week but we all made it out in one piece.

Zach has decided to run with the cross country team and is LOVING IT!!!! He runs about 4-41/2 miles everyday after school and comes home excited. Next Friday is his first meet in Ventura. He has just jumped into high school with both feet and is doing fantastic. Next month he tries out for the soccer team and in the spring he wants to join the swim team. If I can keep up with him the next 4 years will fly by.

Zara is adjusting to having to go to school EVERYDAY! She is exhausted when she comes home, but is too busy for a nap. She just passes out after her bath. Today she didn't even make to a bath. She is learning that she cannot talk when the teacher is talking. The other day the entire class had to stay in for a few minutes of recess. To hear her tell the story is very funny, just because of her facial and body language. She hasn't figured out how to eat and chat during the very short time for lunch and usually brings home most of her lunch. Which she eats a Lois' at her leisure. She has homework every night which she does for the most part without argument.

I think we are off to a good start this year, hopefully it will continue throughout.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So today was the first day back to school for Zach and Zara. Today was my first day of high school and kindergarten. I have to say dropping Zach off at high school was so much more emotional than dropping Zara off at kindergarten. Here are the pictures I took this morning. There are more pictures of Zach because I couldn't take any of him at school, that just would be cool. Zara's friend Ryann is in her class. She came home really tired and really emotional, however nothing that a snack and a little bit of noggin wont cure. She has such a big adjustment to get used to, school everyday. We still have about an hour before Zach gets home, cross our fingers that his day went as well.
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