Friday, September 24, 2010

Busy week


Zara lost another tooth, this is tooth #7 !! She and her friend Shyann lost teeth together when Zara lost tooth #6. Shyann woke up to a letter from her tooth fairy Candi. So Zara was sure they had the same tooth fairy. When tooth #7 came out not long after Candi had been to Shyann's house Zara was ready with a sign that said what is your name and a big line for her to write her name on. As it turns out Shyann and Zara do not have the same tooth fairy but better, Zara's tooth fairy is named SPARKLE and is the best friend to Candi!! Can you beleive it !!! Sparkle signed her name, left a letter that smelled of yummy cotton candy in a special envelop and $5 wrapped in curly hot pink ribbon. Zara was so excited in the morning she read the letter TWICE IF NOT MORE and took it to school where she had Miss. Shilo, Shyann's mommy, read it to all the girls. She has been carrying the letter in her back back all week!


This week was also the big week for dance. Recital is only one week away and everybody showed off their costumes and pretty faces all this week! This year Zara has been taking Jazz and Hiphop and will be dancing to Gitchi, Gitchi, Goo in the most cute costume. Here a a few pictures from today, meeting the girls at the cupcake shop before class, during class, everybody in their costumes, Miss JEnn and Miss Parker. I can't believe another dance year has come to an end and that she is only 8 years away from her goal the 10 YEAR JACKET...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

stay tuned

just in case you aren't watching the calendar like me... dress rehearsal is this week for the big recital next week.... and the big Griffith Park race for zach is this Saturday.. busy busy week and weekend coming up... watch of posts and pictures!!!



Zara has had a loose tooth for about a month now, and of course she wouldn't let anybody near it. The other night while digging through the pantry... she found Jeff's hidden bordeaux cookies.. He hides them from her because she will eat them all. Once she had her hands on her loot she sat down to do some homework. Then all of a sudden she was spitting her cookie into her hand yelling MY TOOTH, MY TOOTH IT FELL OUT !!!!. She was so excited she jumped off her chair and ran down the hall yelling the same thing. I am not sure why she ran down the hall because I was sitting at the table with her. After rinsing her mouth and examining her tooth she was off to the shop to tell her daddy thank you or buying the cookies.


this is what happens when you leave the princesses in charge of the booth

all the girls doing their thing

nothing like a few cheerleaders to put you on top of the world

The Royal Fight was the theme for the court this year at Relay for Life. This is such a fabulous event for the girls to be apart of, everything they make goes back into research for cancer. This year our family has been so touched by the loss due to the cancer battle. Zara was very happy to donate her time at the booth and to walk TWO MILES !!! We stayed for the luminary ceremony which is always beautiful. It was such an honor to be able to walk and work for those that have survived the battle and those that have lost the battle. One day I hope that everybody is able to win the cancer battle.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Frist race of the year

Friday was Zach's first race of the season. I love this race because it is at the beach. They run the bike trail around the Ventura campgrounds. He usually does very well but this year someone stepped on the back of his shoe and gave him a flat tire. He decided to run most of the race trying to keep his shoe on. In the last 1/2 mile he decided it was time to kick his shoe off. He still ran a 23:38 but he could have done so much better if he would have stopped to put it on. But what do we know we are just the parents and he is the ever so smart teenager.
After the race we went up to Carpenteria and had the best dinner at Sly's..
Next race is California City, it should be roasting hot... can't wait.

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Jenn and Isaiah

After a long week of complete sadness my friend Jenn and her little boy Isaiah came to California. I could wait to see them. This was the first time Isaiah and I have ever met and he was everything I knew he would be. Jenn adopted him last year from Ethiopia. He is 20 months and perfect in every way. Their visit was perfect timing. I just wish we lived closer so we could be more involved in all his special first times. But thank goodness for technology I and I get to see them all in pictures and videos.

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well the time has come. I officially have one Junior and one Second grader. After a night of slight worry and a little bit of nerves, they were both up bright and early. Dressed in their first day best, with new backpacks and full tummy's, it was off to drop them off. Zach made me drop him off a half hour early and so did Zara.

Here they are posing for their first day pictures... some day they might get tired of it but I don't care.. They will love it when they look back. These are the only pictures I get of Zach because I can't really walk him to class any more.
Here is Zara and the gang on the first day. I can't wait to see them all when they are Zach's age! Great brains think a like.. looks like its all about pink and zebra stripes this year. I just love how excited they are to see each other and can't wait to pose for the many cameras... We are like their personal paparazzi.

Both kids came home with fantastic reviews of their first day and were ready to head back the next day. By the time Friday came both were ready for some sleep in time on Saturday morning.
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

The end has come..... but the beginning is just about to begin

This weekend marks the end of the summer for Zach and Zara, another year has flown by without a moment of hesitation. As we begin the new school year we have been faced with a few minor set backs as some may call them. I am choosing to look at them as learning moments and an opportunity to grasp life and learn to live every moment. I began the school year as many of you know with the death of Miss Grandma Carole. She was a woman that never let anything pass her by.. she spoke her mind... and she gave with a generosity that I have never seen before. I hope I can someday be half the woman she was. This last week we faced the death of two very beautiful people in an accident that effects 3 people. A young lady was distracted for a moment and hit my friend Missi and her daughter Geneieve as they were walking down the street. This weekend we will place them in there forever resting place. From Missi I take the ability to love to the fullest and Gen the perfect abilty to be a beautiful child.
From my own children I have learned strenght and forgiveness. They have shown me to grow and live and love no matter what.
Tuesday marks the day Zach becomes a Junior and Zara a second grader. I am amazed everyday as they grow and develope into their own independent person.
This year is a new beginning for everybody, I am sure it will be filled with many new memories and laughs and a whole lot of love. I want to take this moment of time to say thank you to all of you for being in my life and teaching me to become who I am today. I have learned to say I love you as much as possible, you never know when it may be the last time. Thank you for being you and I love you all.

p.s. the next post will be full of First day pictures and the days adventures...
p.s.s. Recital tickets are on sale at LPAC.. oct. 2 1:00 show....