Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Duty of a Royal Princess

Family Fun day is a fundraiser for the PTO. The Court was asked to attend. The day was filled with watermelon eating contests, face painting, fancy hair colors, jumpies, games, food, music and raffles... almost forgot the dunking of Mr. Yoon the elementary principle. Everybody had the best time and it was gorgeous day.
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

A present for Zara


When you live in the sticks you get to do strange things. Jeff found this bb gun for Zara as a present from him and Zach. Zach was so excited to give it to her and she was so excited to have it. They went to the backyard to shoot the cans. She didn't aim very well but she managed to get on can. A little practice and she is going to be a poor. Zach has his too, so now they can shoot together
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Finally no more Nanny McFee

Zara was determined to pull her tooth out by tieing it to the door and slamming the door ( her idea )So we tied it on and went to the door and then I think she realizes what was going to happen and chicken out. School pictures came and went her day at the track with the tooth still in. So the morning of Mother's Day while on the phone with Sophia I tried to yank it out while Zara was laughing but of course she moved and I didn't get it, so it was just dangling there and bleeding. Now she really wont let me anywhere near her mouth, but it REALLY HAD TO COME OUT !! So after about an half hour of tears and Jeff and I held her down and I pulled the tooth out.. Really I just grabbed it and it came right out. She just looked at me with a strange look and when I asked her if she wanted to see it she started to cry again. It was a very traumatic moment for all three of us but it HAD TO BE DONE. She looks so much better now and is happy to not be called Snaggle tooth anymore.
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As you all know Zara is in LOVE with horses.. When she sees a horse race on tv she will stop to watch it. For a while she thought she should be a jockey. So is there really a better way to celebrate her 7th birthday, then at the HORSE RACES? We had to go a couple of weeks after her bday but it was worth it. She did not know where we were going and everybody did a fabulous job keeping it a secret. We had box seats, a race named for her "Zara's Royal Race" we got to go down to the track to watch her race and pictures taken in the winners circle, a tour through the paddock and a how to bet lesson for the adults. The weather was perfect, the kids were perfect and we had the BEST DAY !!! After the races we headed over to Sprinkles to wait in line to get cupcakes.. sometimes you just have to see what its all about. They were worth every bit of the $3 we paid for each of them. oh and the 38 minutes we stood in line to get them.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010


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Just Zara looking so cute on her way to Shyann's pedi mani bday party..


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Last year Santa brought Blackjack a harness and leash so the kids could take him for a walk.. When Zach tried to put it on him back then Blackjack scratched him all up. Last week Zach tried again and got it on him. He was so happy to be outside, but seriously afraid of the dogs. We had to take him on the other side of the yard. The only thing is his front legs come out and then he just hops free. I think we need to get him a smaller one. Some people walk the dog we walk the rabbit and the dog.