Monday, October 26, 2009


Today was Zach's last race of the season. He ran his BEST TIME EVER !!! 21:40 almost down to a 7 minute mile. He earned his varsity letter this year and is very excited. Unfortunatly he lost his varsity jersey two weeks ago by a newcomer to the team that decided it was time to show his true potential. But that's ok there is always next year. Now is his on his way to swim team. Why do you ask... well in his words so he can hang out with all the HOT girls in swimsuits. I think he is losing his shyness, not sure if I am ready for it but it's about time.

I forgot to post that he decided to go to the homecoming dance, by himself.. took pictures and everything, crazy kid. About two hours in to the dance I got the phone call to go pick him up. He was done and the dance was being evacuated becuase the fog machine set off the smoke alarm. By the time we got there the parking lot was filled with fire trucks. It was pretty funny.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekend of Success

Last week was such a crazy busy week. All the normal stuff was happening along with final rehearsals at the theater, karate testing at the studio and finally the recital. Some how I ended up having to find and put together hair wreaths for Zara's ballet class, which was not easy. The flowers needed to be spring colors and all that is out now is fall. But never fail I found something and they came put perfect. The Rock Rocked and looked perfect on the stage. All four of Zara's dances were perfect,well as perfect as they can be when you are 6. Thanks to Alyx she looked beautiful!! Zach tested for his green belt on Friday, just a few more belts to black belt, not sure if I am ready for that. Life will now return to just crazy for the next few weeks and we start all over. Don't forget if you want to see the pictures larger just click on the collage.
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