Sunday, November 30, 2008


We spent the day at the beach today. We started off at the tide pools, which Zara loved but stress about falling in. Zach was off and running straight out of the car. It was a perfect day, for the beach. We didn't see many sea creatures, just a few hermit crabs, urchins,and anemanies(surely spelled wrong). Then we were off to the local WWII bunker and lunch in San Pedro. The kids had so much fun and I had lots of picture opportunites. They maybe tired of the camera now, but someday when they are old and going through the scrapbooks, they will thank me. It was a fabulatic end to the Thanksgiving holiday week, tomorrow they are both back to school.
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Friday, November 28, 2008


Everybody helped to prepare the dinner. Zara and Sophia got the bread ready for the stuffing,Zach helped to get the house ready, Eddie made the yams, which were perfect as usual.I ROCKED THE TURKEY!!and Nic made a fantastic pumpkin pecan pie, that was delicious. But could have been better if we would have remembered to bake the pie crust = ]. The day was fabulous!! Good food, friends, laughs and a movie.
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Thursday, November 27, 2008


This potato bug was in my front yard. You don't see them very often but they are always disgusting
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Anthony and Julie came up and we ended up outside with Zach's motostick. Julie wasn't heavy enough to make it bounce Connor got the little one and was doing pretty good. With some more practice he will be on his way. Zach was all over the driveway, he loves to pogostick
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Monday, November 24, 2008


We were off and running at the crack of dawn, down to Nana's to pick up Ashley and Sophia and on to hair and make up. We were at the salon for what felt like for ever, I have to say Zara was fabulous. Then we were on a race to the church where we were going to get dressed. On arrival at the church we learned it wasn't open, there was know where to get Sophia ready and Nic was standing off somewhere in the sun so he wouldn't see her. There we stood for about a half hour trying to find someone to open the church. Anthony found someone in reception, thank goodness. On the stage behind the curtain standing on a blanket with NO air conditioning we dressed Sophia and all the girls. It was miserable, sweat was running down their backs hair and make up was melting off, what a morning. But it all worked out and she looked perfect. Then it was time to sign the papers and the civil marriage license was no where to be found. Sophia had forgotten to bring it to the church, so off Marco went to get it from Nana's, thank goodness it was here in Ca. not DC. Now we are running about 40min. behind schedule. Zara has fallen asleep in a chair and everybody else is just standing around waiting. Finally, with everything in place its time to start the ceremony. All went well pictures were crazy and the reception started off rough but settled in once everybody had eaten. What a relief to know that it is over.
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Friday, November 21, 2008


To convince Zara to be the flower girl in Sophia's wedding we told her she could be the flower princess. She held us to her title and here she is in her dress. She couldn't wait to put it on, and was completely comfortable in it. Just a little preview for the day. Next week will post more picture's of Zara and Sophia I don't want to give anything away yet.
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Sunday, November 16, 2008


On Friday when I put Zara to bed she was complaining that her neck hurt when she swallowed. Not much you can do for a sore throat, and with our up coming very busy week and weekend, I told her she didn't have time to be sick and told her too go to sleep saying I am not sick, I am not sick. She laughed and went to sleep, well was I ever Godsmacked in the morning. She woke up at 5:00 crawled into bed with me still complaining about her sore neck. We slept another hour and then were up on the couch with a 104 fever, that went up and down all day. She never moved from the couch, and slept on and off all day. It was very sad to watch, however, I was able to clean her room without her help. Which means I got to throw away alot of stuff!! She fevered all day and finally went to bed around 11:00. This morning she was up and dressed and outside before 8:00 in the morning. Strange child you never would have known she looked so awful yesterday. Amazing how they just bounce back.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Yep more pics of the kids. Gotta love'em !! Well at least I do.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Today was Zach's last race of the season. He was not too happy when I made him run because he missed his race and had to run with the Varsity. He thought I would just let him go home. DUH, I'm the mom I made him run and threaten him with everything he treasures the most, the video games and everything electronic. He tried everything to get out of running, he pouted, he was really a Butt, that's putting it nicely, he avoided warming up and complained because it was cold, which it was but, he wasn't not running the last race. We argued and had very serious not nice talks. By the time they were lining up to start he wouldn't even look at me. The show down was on between the two of us. You would think he would have learned by now, he wont win. So off he went, he was so mad at me he ran his best race yet on that course and beat a varsity guy from anther school. I should have made him mad at me a long time ago, who knows what he would have done then. So with quick congrats to him for his new Personal Best, I was off to dance with Zara
She started her Jazz class today. This was nothing like ballet or tap, which she now takes on Thurs. Today's class she was not to confident in, but was a trooper and stuck it out. She was so lost with some of the moves but by the end of the class was looking some what like she should. She tried to do everything like ballet, but they kept correcting her, oh and she kept turning backwards, who's to know what she was thinking with that. They started their dance for the Christmas show, Way Cute if I do say so. She has no idea how to do some of the steps but she sure does have the attitude the teacher was looking for, I think it comes with the girl genes. When we got to the car she said ' mama, I just feel like a toy in there' So next week is another class, filled with all new steps and techniques. Hopefully she continues to like it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Here they are Zara is a queen, not a princess. Zach is in his paint balling gear, which is already too small of him. If he keeps growing he is going to bypass everybody in the family, and still only weigh a 123 pounds. He eats ALOT but never gains any weight!
This was the first year that Zach didn't trick or treat with us, instead he went to a Halloween party with his friends, and then trick or treating with them. I guess that is the first sign, of the next stage in his life. Zara got to be the big trick or treater and show Hope how to knock on the door and yell. We didn't get as much candy as we usually do but oh well it goes in the trash anyway. Hope everybody had a fun Halloween, too.
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